We recognize that the success of our communities hinges upon the efforts of many sectors and stakeholders. That’s why we invest strategically—making grants with a holistic approach that encompasses a broad spectrum of nonprofits.
Proposals are accepted August 1 - November 1. It is highly recommended that potential grantees consider how their project intersects with the Holle Family Foundation's Areas of Focus.
All grants are reimbursable grants. Reimbursement (in the form of a check) will be sent once your project is complete and we have received all the appropriate final report paperwork. Reimbursements should be supported by invoices and cancelled checks or bank statements.
Projects must be closed by December 1st of the same year the project was funded. ​
It is highly recommended that potential grantees consult with Holle Family Foundation staff prior to submitting a proposal for assistance and guidance.
Mr. Holle's example guides our decision making as we select projects that best align with the Foundation's Areas of Focus.
Brigadier General Everett Holle served as Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 96 for many years. The scouting experience and its many lessons had a profound impact on him and he was a lifetime champion of scouting programs. The Holle Family Foundation wishes to offer Boy Scouts working on the Eagle Scout rank and Girl Scouts working on the Gold Award a funding opportunity to assist with service projects.
Grant Details:
• Limited to Greater Alabama and Black Warrior Boy Scout Councils and The Girl Scouts of North Central Alabama
• Suggested grant request is $500. Larger amounts (up to $1,000) may be requested for projects that represent a significant community impact.
• Grants must be used within 6 months
• Projects must be completed 6 months before Scout’s 18th birthday
• Projects must demonstrate leadership skills and reflect the principles of Scouting
Proposal Details:
• Must be submitted online
• Must include a copy of the approved Service Project Workbook
• Must include a letter of recommendation from a Scout Leader
• The applying Scout and Scoutmaster will be notified if the service project is approved for funding. Checks written will be made payable to both the Scout and Scoutmaster.